Who we help

Who can receive this support?

You must live in the Lichfield area to receive this fully funded support. It is for both employed people seeking new skills and the unemployed.

We will carry out a simple assessment to check eligibility. The following list are the measures used to determine eligibility for support:

  • Low-income household

  • Economically inactive

  • Seeking new skills and qualifications

  • Seeking energy efficiency knowledge

  • Seeking to upskill digital skills

  • Health challenges

  • Seeking financial advice and support

Note that economically inactive people are neither employed nor unemployed. They are people who are not in paid work or looking for a job or available to start work. You might be economically inactive for several reasons, such as being retired, a student or too ill to work.

If you are unsure whether you meet these criteria, you are strongly encouraged to contact us so we can conduct a quick and simple assessment.