Empowering Leicester Mums!

How Belina Grow’s Community Investment Fund-backed Leicester Bridge Project has delivered outstanding social impact and changed 111 women’s lives.

We are proud to spotlight the inspiring results of the Leicester Bridge Project, captured in Belina Grow's evaluation report. This project was made possible through our Community Investment Fund as part of the Restart Scheme and has been a powerful force for change. The Leicester Bridge Project has touched the lives of 111 women, providing them with tailored, compassionate support. By partnering with local women's and employability organisations, the project introduced the innovative Grow approach, a model conceived to uplift and equip women furthest from the job market with the tools and confidence to thrive. Data showed that these women, predominately mothers, were less well served by generalist back-to-work provisions and classed as economically inactive. However, there was an evident drive from these women to access better opportunities; they just needed support that made sense and was delivered locally. The project trained six local organisations to provide the Grow approach, ensuring its benefits would ripple through the community long after the project's conclusion.

This project has delivered significant social value in the following ways:

Fostering collaboration: It brought together a network of local organisations united by a shared mission to uplift women. This spirit of partnership was vital to the project's success.

  • Creating employment opportunities: The project didn't just support women into work - it also employed local women, contributing directly to Leicester's economy.

  • Supporting new initiatives: Supporting local women to develop new projects that will provide ongoing support to women in Leicester, running a community employment project, domestic violence support and an online Yoga programme.

  • Strengthening the sector: Through collaboration with Jobs 22, the project enriched the broader employability community, creating an example of best practice backed by clear anecdotal evidence.

Despite being a new initiative, the Leicester Bridge Project exceeded expectations, achieving more than its ambitious goals in just 12 months. This success stands as a testament to the power of innovation, community, and the extraordinary commitment of everyone involved.

Ayden Sims, Country Manager (UK) at AKG and CEO of Jobs 22, said:

"Meeting many of the women who took part in the Bridge Project was a humbling experience. Hearing their stories and witnessing the transformative impact of this program was nothing short of life-changing—for them and for all of us who had the privilege to be part of their journey."

The Leicester Bridge Project is a shining example of good practice and what can be achieved at a community level, aligned with the government's desire to work in communities. Sharing the learning and approach from the project has been valuable as a legacy of the work in Leicester. To hear from the project's leaders, partners and the women who directly benefit, please read the full report here, expertly authored by Laura Dewar, Head of Research at Belina Grow.

Liz Sewell spoke of the deep-seated need for a project like this, and why it was so welcomed by the community and mothers in Leicester:

“What was really positive is the really active voluntary sector in the city and the welcome that key organisations, gave to the project. There is the overriding view that the project was very much needed in the city and organisations were keen to work with us to support participants and ensure the project's success.”

To learn more about our Community Investment Fund and the impactful projects we fund and support, visit www.jobs-22.co.uk/cif.

To learn more about the Leicester Grow Project visit https://belinagrowcic.org/leicester-grow/


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