Jobs 22 Restart Scheme Participant Pack
This booklet is designed to provide helpful information about your time with us on the Restart Scheme.
Welcome to Restart Scheme!
Restart Scheme is the largest employment programme, in scale and importance, created by the UK government following the global pandemic to assist long term unemployed people who are seeking work. The Restart Scheme is available to Universal Credit and Job Seeker Allowance claimants. Jobs 22 runs the Restart Scheme in your area.
At Jobs 22 our aim is to support you on your journey to employment – and find you a job. We will work with you to understand your skills and aspirations and reduce any barriers you may have experienced in securing a sustainable job.
As a Restart Scheme participant, you will have your own Employment Coach. The two of you are a team and together you will create an action plan that demonstrates your talent to potential employers. You will have access to training and support services, where needed, including exclusive access to the Jobs 22 job support app.
We understand that you are more than just a job seeker. The unique circumstances of your life affect your relationship with, and access to, employment. Think of your Employment Coach as your link to personalised support from local services and organisations that will address your individual needs, be they work, skills, health or life based.
Through regular meetings with your Employment Coach, you can improve your confidence and motivation. They will help you identify transferable skills and approach new industry sectors highlighting new opportunities as they come up.
Our support continues once you enter the workplace, and you will continue to receive access to our career building services. Your first point of contact with the Restart Scheme is always via the Jobs 22 Customer Experience Centre on 0333 242 22 22 between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
The team here at Jobs 22 looks forward to taking this journey with you.
Yours sincerely,
Ayden Sims
Jobs 22 CEO
Tailored support from your own Jobs 22 Employment Coach
Your Employment Coach will be there to advise and support the entire journey and can be contacted with any queries.
Employment Coach:
Tel no:
Regular contact
Not only will we set regular appointments and contacts, we will make it easy for you to contact us if you need help. If you can’t contact your Employment Coach use:
Jobs 22 Customer Experience Centre telephone number: 0333 242 22 22
Email: support.centre@jobs-22.co.uk
Tools, technology and coaching you need to jump start personal development and succeed in your job search
Support can include funding, training, labour market insights and access to the Jobs 22 Employment Centre App.
The opportunity to provide feedback and comment on our services.
You will be asked to provide feedback on a regular basis. If you are unhappy with our service there is also the opportunity to submit complaints. You can also contact us with comments at www.jobs-22.co.uk/contact-us
Equality of opportunity
We are committed to equal opportunities in all our services. Our aim is to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people and communities in our dealings with you and all stakeholders.
Security for your personal information
Personal information is stored in line with the highest international Information Security standards.
During your time on the Restart Scheme, you may be able to claim certain expenses such as travel, childcare or other general expenses relating to your Restart Scheme activities.
Travelling to appointments:
Jobs 22 can refund travel expenses when attending activities in connection with the Restart Scheme. This includes pre-arranged meetings, for example, to undertake work related activities, job interviews, or other related meetings approved by your Employment Coach. You should use the most cost-effective method available and provide your Employment Coach with a receipt or ticket showing the cost of your travel.
Childcare expenses:
Where childcare has been identified as a barrier to your successful participation on the Restart Scheme we may be able to support with the expenses.
Childcare needs to be provided by the following to qualify for funding:
carers registered with OFSTED
a carer accredited under the Childcare Approval Scheme, run on school premises out of school hours or as an out of hours’ club by a Local Authority
schools or establishments exempted from registration under the Children Act 1989 or operated on Crown property
Replacement Care expenses:
In some instances, you may be providing unpaid support to relatives, partners or friends who are ill, frail or disabled, or have health or substance misuse problems. If this unpaid care commitment is considered a barrier to you getting work, we may be able to provide support by funding replacement care.
Replacement care needs to be provided by the following to qualify for funding:
a Local Authority Registered Provider
a Local Authority Preferred Provider
a recognised care organisation within the local area
Other expenses:
There may be other expenses we can help with including work equipment or Disclosure and Barring Service checks.
Please remember to always discuss expenses with your Employment Coach in advance of incurring the expense if you are in any doubt.
Taxable Income:
It is important to remember that tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs) are payable on any payments or benefits (e.g. travel cards) relating to a new job which are paid or provided by Jobs 22 after starting work. Any of these payments or benefits should be declared to HMRC.
Whilst you attend the Restart Scheme with Jobs 22 we will ask you to:
Attend appointments and training sessions on time and complete all agreed activity
Fully engage in all activities to give yourself the best chance of success. If you can’t attend an appointment, please let us know well in advance. If you don’t partake in agreed activities including meetings, it could result in us mandating you to do so, but only as a last resort.
Tell us about any changes
We need to know if your circumstances change so we can provide you with the best support possible. You should also tell us when you start or leave employment or change jobs. Some changes may also affect your benefits, and you should notify Jobcentre Plus.
Non-employment related income
We need to know if you are expecting to receive, or do receive, any non-employment related income; for example a pension payment, redundancy payment or inheritance. We need to understand this only so that we can measure the extent to which we have helped you secure paid earnings, rather than earnings from other sources.
Keep in regular contact
Contact us whenever you need additional help or advice. You should also let us know if you want us to communicate in a different way.
Treat others with respect
Violence, harassment and discrimination of staff or other participants will not be tolerated.
Keep our offices safe
Keep our offices free from offensive language, drugs, alcohol, unlawful activities and offensive weapons.
Be respectful of our facilities
Do not use our computers to view inappropriate or offensive websites or to enter chat rooms. Do not use our phones to make personal calls.
Summary Privacy Statement – Participant
Protecting Your Personal Information: Your Rights, Our Responsibilities
Jobs 22 is committed to being open about our information processing and you are given this summary privacy statement to tell you about the personal information that we collect. The full privacy notice is available on our website www.jobs-22.co.uk.
Your personal information is the information that identifies you like your name, address and contact details. We receive this, and other information, from Jobcentre Plus when you are referred for the Restart Scheme. We will collect more information from you and Jobcentre Plus whilst supporting you on the Scheme.
Why do we collect personal information about you?
We deliver the Restart Scheme providing intensive support helping people into work under contract with the Department for Work & Pensions. We collect information from the DWP and from you to allow us to carry out our work delivering training and support to you. We need this information to deliver our service to you and for the DWP to check that we are providing a good service. We work with our sister companies, delivery partners, employers and other support and training organisations to improve skills and secure employment opportunities and to ensure intensive specialist support is provided to those who need it.
What sort of information will we have?
Initially we will have your name, National Insurance number, email address, telephone number, address, date of birth. We may have details of special requirements due to disability, mental or physical health, safeguarding requirements, whether you need childcare or other care, or if you are in a specific group e.g. ex-offender, substance dependent.
During your time on the Restart Scheme, we will collect a range of other important information that we need to take account of in supporting you into work. This may include work experience, barriers to finding work, personal circumstances that may affect you attending appointments or a change of circumstances.
You may also choose to share information with us in relation to your personal and domestic situation or family circumstances or any other information that could affect your ability to secure employment or attend appointments. You may also want to provide us with contact details for your next of kin or family member or other person who may act as a carer, a translator or as support for you.
We may ask for your bank details if we need to reimburse you for travel or other expenses, and we will ask for this information at a face-to-face meeting. Where this is not possible, you will be provided with the telephone number for the CSC at Jobs 22 (0333 242 2222) and asked to ring them yourself and they will record your bank details. Please note that the DWP/Jobcentre Plus will never ask you for your bank details during or after your participation on the Restart Scheme.
Who do we share your information with?
We will share some of your information with DWP, Jobcentre Plus, sister and partner organisations such as contracted research institutions, direct delivery partners and organisations who provide specialist services such as health advice and interventions, careers advice and guidance and CV preparation, mentoring, counselling, translation services or training courses. For you to receive these services we may need to provide your name, contact details and other relevant details such as support needs, health or disability. To support your employment search, we will help with your CV and job applications and tell you about job opportunities with local employers and we may share your details and CV with those employers. We may also share your information with our direct delivery partners who have a job vacancy which you may be suitable for. Your bank details will never be shared. Where necessary, appropriate agreements will be in place with partner organisations and suppliers supporting the delivery of our services detailing their obligations in relation to your personal information.
How long do we keep your information?
12 months following the end of all Jobs 22 service delivery due to expiry or termination of the contract.
Your rights and how to get a copy of the information we hold on you
Details of who to contact should you have any queries about how your information is being used by jobs 22 are in the full privacy notice which can be found on our website www.jobs-22.co.uk or you can contact the Data Protection Officer at Jobs 22 via dpo@jobs-22.co.uk
The Jobs 22 approach to Advance Support/Safeguarding
Jobs 22’s approach to advance support to safeguard our participants is founded on the nature of our relationships. We prioritise assessing and managing the needs of our participants and have a dynamic approach to the identification, assessment and response to risk:
Our organisational structure and approach places emphasis on collaborative relationships with our participants and our partners in delivery. This means our response to need and risk is timely and effective. We ensure that we work together to learn the lessons from our practice and use them to inform our advance support.
Our staff are informed in terms of the indicators of possible harm and possible vulnerabilities. Workers and their managers know what to do when possible abuse or neglect is suspected or disclosed and are skilled in a range of interventions to prevent further or future risk to our participants.
Our goal is to enable the participant. This means that we focus on supporting them in finding their own solutions to challenges that pose a risk to their wellbeing, empowering them to make positive sustainable changes to their lives.
The Jobs 22 Safeguarding Policy outlines our organisational standards in safeguarding children, young people and adults. Jobs 22 uses these standards to measure our performance and achievements in safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults in all our service delivery.
The full Jobs 22 Safeguarding (including Prevent Duty) Policy, Guidance & Procedure is available upon request.
If you have any concerns about yours or someone else’s physical or mental wellbeing, please ask to speak to a member of Jobs 22 staff privately.
Diversity and Inclusion
Individuals with different cultures, perspectives and experiences are at the heart of the way Jobs 22 works. We want to recruit, develop and retain the most talented people, regardless of their background and make best use of their talents. At Jobs 22 we are guided by our values in everything we do and recognise that being a diverse and inclusive employer helps us fulfil our responsibility to make a difference for the communities we serve.
We seek to develop a work environment where we treat all employees and participants as individuals, fairly and in a consistent way. We work within the spirit and the practice of the Equality Act 2010 by promoting a culture of respect and dignity and actively challenging discrimination, should it arise. We will remove unnecessary barriers for our employees seeking opportunities through training and development, promotion and career planning and endeavour to do the same for Restart Scheme participants.
Jobs 22 will continue to support our leaders, managers and employees to demonstrate the principles of diversity and inclusion in their everyday activities, roles and functions.
Health and Safety
It is our intent to demonstrate an ongoing and determined commitment to improving health and safety at work throughout Jobs 22.
We will comply with the requirements of health and safety legislation and relevant guidance for the services we provide.
Our Health and Safety Policy reflects our commitment to ensuring that health and safety at work is paramount and that effective health and safety actively contributes to our success.
We make the following pledges:
Adequate resources will be provided to ensure all our people, stakeholders and Participants are aware of this policy and committed to its effective implementation.
There will be active open communication and consultation between all our people and stakeholders, and health and safety will be integrated into our communications where appropriate.
Roles and responsibilities for health and safety will be defined, as necessary, within job descriptions.
Health and safety will be adequately assessed, controlled and monitored.
Our people will be adequately instructed and trained on the health and safety issues that affect them and the safe working practices that should be followed.
Senior management will demonstrate leadership in health and safety.
Systems will be in place and people will be empowered to raise health and safety concerns with management.
We will assess the risks associated with health and safety hazards in our workplaces and we will take action to prevent, reduce or control risks to an acceptable level, reducing the potential for incidents and accidents.
We will report and investigate incidents and near misses to drive improvement in our health and safety management.
We will assess our occupational health risks. We will take action to prevent, reduce or control occupational health risks to an acceptable level.
Management standards that explain how this policy will be delivered are contained within the Jobs 22 Health & Safety Policy.
Health and Safety - What we ask of you:
Be responsible for your own health and safety
This includes the safety of any children attending Jobs 22 premises with you.
Make yourself aware of the Health and Safety procedures for the Jobs 22 premises you are visiting
Your Employment Coach will tell you the local procedures including showing you the fire exit routes and telling you the procedure in the event of a fire.
Ensure you do not endanger others
You should not move office equipment or safety apparatus (such as fire extinguishers) and you should be mindful of the safety of other site users by not obstructing fire exit routes or creating trip hazards, for example.
Report any concerns
Help us keep everyone safe by reporting incidents or potential hazards to a member of Jobs 22 staff.
Jobs 22 Complaints Procedure
Jobs 22 is committed to dealing positively and decisively with issues of concern.
If you are not satisfied with the services, we or our Delivery Partners are providing at any point, and you wish to discuss this, then please follow the procedure outlined below.
In the first instance please raise any concerns you have with your Employment Coach.
If you feel unable to raise concerns with your Employment Coach or you are unhappy with their response, then please ask to speak with their Manager. The Manager will then contact you to discuss your concerns.
Concerns may be raised verbally or in writing (including e-mail or text) and a response detailing a resolution to your concerns or proposing next steps will be provided by the Employment Coach or Manager within 2 working days of receipt.
Stage 1
If you are not satisfied with the response that you receive from the Manager, you can ask for a formal complaint to be escalated to the Jobs 22 Complaints Manager. This will be done within 24 hours of your request.
You can also submit a formal complaint:
Via the Jobs 22 Website under the Contact Us section https://jobs-22.co.uk/contact-us
By e-mailing the Complaints Manager directly at complaints@jobs-22.co.uk
By calling the Jobs 22 Customer Service Centre on 0333 242 2222
By writing to the Complaints Manager at Jobs 22, 249 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 1NA
The Complaints Manager will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days of receiving it. The Complaints Manager will then respond to your complaint within 20 working days, verbally or in writing.
Stage 2
If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction you can request further escalation to the Jobs 22 Senior Management Team (SMT) within 10 working days of receiving the Complaint Manager’s response.
If we do not hear from you within 10 working days, Jobs 22 will consider the Complaint Manager’s response final and will close the complaint.
If you do request further escalation to SMT within 10 working days, you will then receive a final response within 7 working days.
Stage 3
Independent Case Examiner (ICE)
If all the stages of the Jobs 22 Complaints Procedure have been followed but you are not happy with the response provided, you can ask the ICE to consider your complaint. You should contact them within 6 months from the date of the final response from Jobs 22. The ICE service is provided by the DWP (which includes Jobcentre Plus) and offers a free, impartial resolution service but does not consider matters of law or government policy.
You can contact the ICE
By email at ice@dwp.gov.uk, which is their preferred contact.
By telephone on 0800 414 8529 or
in writing at PO Box 209, Bootle L20 7WA.
Website: Independent Case Examiner
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)
You can also, at any time contact your MP who may be able to send your complaint to the PHSO. The Ombudsman normally (but not always) expects you to have exhausted both the provider complaints process and the ICE services before accepting a complaint for investigation.
The Ombudsman investigates complaints that government organisations have not acted properly or fairly or have provided a poor service. To find out more, please contact:
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Phone: 0345 015 4033
Website: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Restart Scheme Completer Summary
The Restart Scheme will support your employment efforts with training and one-to-one guidance tailored to your needs. If after a year, you are not in employment, are earning below the Administrative Earnings Threshold (AET) or are not gainfully self-employed, you are required to share a Completer Summary with your JCP Work Coach. Jobs 22 will ensure you have a detailed Completer Summary to take with you.
Participant Declaration
Participant Name:
Jobs 22 Ltd and Delivery Partners run the Restart Scheme on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in the East Central Contract Package Area.
I can confirm that I have received a copy of the Welcome to the Restart Scheme booklet at my initial face to face meeting with my Employment Coach.
I can confirm that I have read and understood the Protecting Your Personal Information: Your Rights, Our Responsibilities section of the Welcome to the Restart Scheme booklet and understand how my information will be collected and used.
I can confirm that expenses, including travel expenses have been offered to me and that any payments or benefits relating to employment received after starting work will be declared to HMRC.
Please sign below to confirm that you agree with the above statements.
Name Date