New life skills support for Cannock Chase residents

A new programme called Cannock Chase Discovery has been launched to help residents access tailored support to improve their general and life skills leading to better employment opportunities. The programme offers a range of interventions across four broad categories: work, skills, health, and life. It is being delivered by Jobs 22 on behalf of Cannock Chase  Council and funded by the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

The programme began on 1 May 2024 and will run until 31 March 2025.

Cannock Chase Discovery will help residents who are unemployed or employed and who meet one of several criteria, including being from a low-income household, low skill levels, digital exclusion, and poor health.

Councillor Josh Newbury, Portfolio Leader for Regeneration and High Streets at Cannock Chase Council said:

“Improving skills levels across the District is an important priority for the Council, to help develop our local economy.

“We also know that support in related areas can also play a huge part in helping local people secure better jobs and then thrive in them. Jobs 22 was an ideal provider to help us deliver this prioriry and we look forward to working with them over the coming year.”

The programme's success will be measured against a number of performance criteria, including the number of people supported in: life skills, English and maths, digital training, healthy eating, energy efficiency awareness, and employment skills, such as job searching, applications, and interview skills.

Michelle Horton, the programme lead for Jobs 22 said:

“We’re excited and grateful to Cannock Chase  Council for giving us this opportunity to help increase the life chances for Cannock Chase residents.

“We already have an office in Cannock where our staff have been helping long-term unemployed people get back into work as part of the Department for Work and Pension’s Restart Scheme. We have an experienced team with strong local knowledge and a very healthy partner network to draw from to offer a range of support to boost life skills and help residents access the support they need to progress in life and into work.”

The bespoke services will be delivered locally at the Jobs 22 office in Cannock and across several accessible community locations.

For more information and to register interest, call 0333 242 1230, email


Jobs 22's Community Investment Fund grants £246k to five organisations targeting big social impact on local people.


Jobs 22 accredited to the matrix Standard