Business 2 Business
Founded in 1986, Business 2 Business has grown to become a nationally-relevant high performing, mainstream and BAME specialist employment and skills provider.
Business 2 Business is recognised as one of the highest performing providers of mainstream employment support programmes having achieved exceptional performance in its delivery of the Work Programme, Flexible New Deal, Pathways to Work and many other employment provisions.
The company maintains a continual focus on quality and innovation and holds the Investors in People Gold. It is also Matrix accredited and has won the National Training Award and, more recently, the Innovate UK grant to develop a new Job Boost web-based recruitment portal. Business 2 Business will deliver the Restart Scheme in Leicester, Oadby & Wigston, and Charnwood.
“We are delighted to be involved in delivering Restart Scheme support for individuals seeking work in the aftermath of the pandemic.
Through the Restart Scheme, we will help people to find sustained employment and give them advice and support to progress further, ensuring greater prosperity and well-being for individuals and our community.”
— Veejay Patel, Managing Director of Business 2 Business