Cannock Chase Discovery
Learn, Grow, Succeed
The Discovery Programme offers local residents the opportunity to access and discover a wide range of employment, skills, health, and life skills support to help them move forward with their lives, whether that’s through learning, employment, or volunteering.
Introducing the Cannock Chase Discovery programme
Cannock Chase Discovery is being delivered by Jobs 22 on behalf of Cannock Chase Council. This project has received £180,503.92 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and will run from 1 May 2024 until 31 March 2025.
Residents have access to a number of different interventions and support services. These broadly cover four categories: work, skills, health, and life, which will support their progression into accredited learning, further learning, and employment.
This support is tailored to each individual, depending on their needs and circumstances. The aim is to improve a resident’s life skills to enhance their employment opportunities. This programme is not just for people who are not in paid employment; residents who are currently employed can benefit from it, too.
Every resident will have a dedicated coach who will remain with them throughout their journey.
Is there a catch, how much does this cost?
The aim is to improve the life opportunities for residents within the Cannock Chase Council area. All support is fully funded through the UK Government, so there is no cost to residents. There is no catch. As long as residents meet some general eligibility requirements, they can begin to access support.